Home » Day 83: Silver Lining

Day 83: Silver Lining

This is Day 83 of the Positive 100, a countdown to Rare Disease Day 2014 and an exercise in being positive despite it all.

I am a believer in silver linings. Because if I didn’t, I’d be one miserable human.

The best silver lining I’ve ever found? It was these ladies.

Day 83 : Silver Lining | Positive 100 | Chronic Positivity Project

If I had never been diagnosed with a gluten intolerance and later a full-blown wheat allergy, I never would have started writing FrannyCakes. And if I never started that blog, I would have never met some of the people that I consider to be dear friends. Our paths would have never crossed.

I never would have been saved from mis-labeled rolls at a conference if it weren’t for Erica. I never would have fulfilled my fantasy of wearing a crown if it weren’t for Brandy. (Also, I would not have laughed so hard at how ridiculous our lives are without her). And I most definitely wouldn’t have a cupcake wars champion on speed-text. (You know, so I can beg her to bring treats to whatever city we happen to be visiting next). These remarkable women are taking over the world. And the evil protein gluten brought us together.

Where do you look for your silver linings?  What is the best silver lining you have ever found? Share your answer on social media with the hashtag #100positivedays on TwitterInstagram and Google+.

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