Let’s talk about the best red lipstick that money can buy. I managed to whittle it down to the 5 best red lipsticks (and threw in a few bonus choices).

Beauty & style advice from a fashion school drop out.
Let’s talk about the best red lipstick that money can buy. I managed to whittle it down to the 5 best red lipsticks (and threw in a few bonus choices).
Today, I’m sharing my October 2019 favorites with you on YouTube. Read more
So, I do a thing. If I'm stressed or feeling down, it's always the same. I buy lipstick. I have a larger collection than one person should be allowed to have. And it is all gluten-free lipstick, from both specialty and mainstream brands. (And yes, mom, those 4 reds are really very different from each other).
Hi! My name is Mary Fran and I am a skincare junkie. I made it to Rouge status at Sephora on my skincare habit alone. Really, it’s because I’ve felt like I’ve been fighting a losing battle with my skin my whole life. My skin has been rough, flaky and prone to blackheads and other breakouts since junior high. Layer on super sensitive skin and a slew of allergies and you can see where I might have had a problem finding a solution. It only took until I was 33 (you know, 3 months ago) to discover that the secret to flawless skin could be a Japanese skincare routine. Read more
(Forgive my attempt at a punny-headline…)
We all make resolutions and state our goals at the start of the year (even when we try to avoid the whole practice). There’s something so tempting about that start to the new year.
Two months ago, I decided that 2017 was going to be the year that I stopped wearing pants. Read more