Home » FrannyCakes is 2! (A giveaway!)

FrannyCakes is 2! (A giveaway!)

I really can’t believe that I have been at this for two years already. I also can’t believe that it has only been two years.

The second year of FrannyCakes has provided me with so very many opportunities, found me an amazing group of new friends and given me a voice to share my story.

FrannyCakes is 2!

I wrote my first ebook. I had my heart broken. I almost gave up on blogging, but I shared my secret and fought back. I spoke at a blogging conference. I taught a baking class at a gluten-free expo. I gave another talk on blogging. I crossed something off of my culinary bucket list. I started a new regular feature here.

I made 537 cupcakes. Read 28 new cookbooks (yes, like they were novels). Reviewed a few. I got to meet some pretty awesome bloggers.

And it was all because you stuck around and kept reading. And wanting to know more.


So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you! Thank you for reading! Thank you for your support! I love you all!

Year 3 is starting with a bang. I have a giveaway. There is a recipe for macarons tomorrow. A new ebook in less than 2 weeks. And so much more exciting stuff headed your way!

To enter, you must like FrannyCakes on Facebook, and then there are bonus entries for commenting here and liking some of my good friends on Facebook too!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Terri Davila says:

    Congrats on your wonderful success! I love your site & thanks for showing the world that GF food in not dry and unappealing. It is a journey but oh so worth it! Wishing you much success on year 3!!

  2. Meghan says:

    Hello!! New to you blog..read about it via celiac amd then beast blog. Your blog and this giveaway seem great:)

    I am not sure about a specific recipe I would like to see…but I would love to see suggestions on pairings of items to create a full and tasty meal!

  3. Hey, I’m actually a new reader (found your site via Celiac and the Beast’s), but I just read several of the posts you linked to and will definitely be following from now on! Congrats on the milestone. 🙂

  4. Rachel says:

    I love your recipes, I gotta start getting more on the GF bandwagon. I am not entirely allergic, but I want to try to stay away from it so I don’t BECOME completely intolerant. So proud of your mad GF skills!

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