I buy a bunch of new cookbooks and cooking magazines. I read them, cook from them and let you know if they are worth your purchase or not. Read on for my review of one of my latest purchases, the Joy the Baker Cookbook.

I buy a bunch of new cookbooks and cooking magazines. I read them, cook from them and let you know if they are worth your purchase or not. Read on for my review of one of my latest purchases, the Joy the Baker Cookbook.
When I come home from work, I feel like I get pastry super powers. I get to work at being someone who gets to throw around terms like frangipane and galette and genoise. I get to put my French degree to work because I understand recipes and histories of pastries wrtitten in French (because we all know that the French invented pastry). I want to invite you to my gluten-free pastry super-power club. Today you are going to learn how to make frangipane and you are going to be astounded by the fact that it takes 3 minutes to make (after you measure out your ingredients). You are also going to be able to throw around the term frangipane in normal conversation.
This post is part of the Gluten-Free Ratio Rally, a group of gluten-free bloggers inspired and empowered by Ruhlman‘s Ratio. We get together each month and post many different takes on the same theme. This month that theme is Gluten-Free Bagels and the rally is being hosted by Morri from Meals with Morri
I cannot believe that it is May, much less that it isMay 2nd and that it is Ratio Rally day. Because April was one ca-razy busy month.
There was a blogging conference and a gluten-free expo. There was a gluten-free cookie ebook to write. There were high school musicals and there was a design conference and a pastry demo at the French Pastry School.
I am not sure how I got so much done in a month! All I know is that I am beat. And it is Ratio Rally day. And I am hoping and praying that these “bagel bombs” turn out swell.
You’ve just gotta have faith in me. There are a lot of things in this recipe that you have to take my word for. Mammacakes didn’t trust me on the pie crust recipe, and when she made it, she added double the water and the crust was tough (and it shrank). She was also doubting that blueberry and ginger work together.
The Gluten-Free Ratio Rally is a gluten-free blog event started by Shauna of Gluten-Free Girl. Each month a group of food bloggers gets together and bakes a gluten-free treat by starting with a basic ratio (that stands in traditional baking) and using that ratio as a starting point to create their own baked masterpieces. All of my contributions to the rally can be found here. You can follow the rally on twitter with the hashtag #gfreerally.
Welcome to The Gluten Free Ratio Rally, Brownie Edition. Read more
Sometimes I need to hit the pause button on my life and remind myself what is that is important. To take the time to enjoy the time I have with those I love.
My life is a little hectic since I moved back to Chicago. I met Rick Bayless at a crazy awesome fundraiser for the French Pastry School’s scholarship fund. I got press credentials for the International Home & Housewares Show. I went to the Joy the Baker book signing. Busy busy. Read more
What is St. Patrick’s day without a little celebration? I mean, I love corned beef and cabbage. And soda bread. And the “leprechauns” that used to dye the milk green so we could have green pancakes. I have been waiting for Saint Patrick’s day for a whole year, and not because I want to go out partying. Because I love the food. Read more
I have been sitting on this recipe for a while, and mostly it is because I don’t want to tell you. I want you to invite me to a party and ask me to bring this cake.
Because there is nothing like a good rum cake. It is a dessert cake and a breakfast cake. Read more